TASKING Embedded Profiler

October 5, 2017

Traditionally, profiling is associated with measuring execution times of functions. Knowing that a function takes a specific amount of clock cycles or milliseconds to execute is in itself not very helpful to identify if the function can be improved at all and which code or setting needs to be modified in what specific way to actually make the function run much faster on your specific target device. 

Unlike existing profilers that measure only function run-times, the TASKING Embedded Profiler has built-in expert-level knowledge about the AURIX inner-workings, so that it can: 
*) Identify functions and code lines that unnecessarily waste large amounts of core time because they misuse hardware resources within the AURIX,
*) Explain the root cause of these performance bottlenecks, 
*) Provide concrete mitigation suggestions to quickly resolve the bottleneck with minimal effort.

View this webinar to learn more about this new product from TASKING. For further question feel free to contact us on tasking.sales@altium.com

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