AUTOSAR Timing Analysis with Vector TA Tool Suite and TASKING winIDEA IDE

TASKING has maintained a very close and cooperative partnership for many years. A particularly fruitful area of cooperation is focused on creating solutions for AUTOSAR Timing Analysis. Numerous joint research and customer projects result in a user-friendly workflow for advanced timing analysis using the Vector TA Tool Suite, based on hardware trace recordings on Vector MICROSAR-based ECUs. The trace recordings are performed by the TASKING winIDEA Trace Analyzer in conjunction with the TASKING BlueBox Debug & Trace Probes, for instance, the new iC7pro and iC7max BlueBox Hardware Debugger systems.
The starting point of this workflow is a tight integration of the Vector DaVinci Configurator Pro and TASKING tools for the generation of Trace Instrumentation Code as well as winIDEA Trace Analyzer Configurations to allow for user-friendly, target-optimized OS and RTE event capture using trace. The obtained trace recordings can be seamlessly transferred into the Vector TA. Toolsuite by using standardized file formats such as BTF and ARTI MDF4. The entire workflow can be automated, using the TA Workflow in conjunction with the winIDEA Python SDK.
The Vector TASKING Timing Bundle provides a step-by-step description of this workflow and is available for download at the Vector website.
The TASKING OS Task-State Analysis and BTF/MDF4 Export for Vector MICROSAR supports both instrumentation-based Solutions such as ARTI and Vector OS Timing Hooks as well as un-instrumented Trace, utilizing advanced features of the winIDEA Trace Analyzer.

Join Us at Vector Timing Days
If you want to learn more about the Vector TASKING Timing Bundle and other interesting Debug & Trace Solutions and now Product Innovation from TASKING, please come and see our Trace and Timing Analysis Experts Felix Martin and Armin Stingl at the Vector Timing Days in Stuttgart on the 6th of November 2024.