TASKING Academy: A Platform for Future Engineers

September 30, 2024
TASKING Labs Academy for young engineers

Established in 2017 at TASKING Labs in Slovenia, TASKING Academy offers students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Computer and Information Science a unique opportunity to gain practical experience in their field. Interested students can apply through our website or during the annual JobFair and Career Week events organized by the faculties.

The selection process begins with a review of the applicants' CVs, followed by an interview. Successful candidates are invited to participate in the Academy, a structured training program lasting a month.

During this period, each student is provided with their workspace and a dedicated mentor who guides them through the onboarding process and assigns relevant tasks. Academy participants are seated among our engineers, facilitating continuous knowledge transfer. They are encouraged to ask questions and fully immerse themselves in the working environment, including participating in team lunches and attending team-building activities and picnics.

The onboarding process is carefully planned. Initially, students are introduced to various tasks and departments, allowing them to familiarize themselves with different areas of work, workflows, tools, and teams. The departments they can interact with are:

  • Software Development
  • CPU Support
  • IT and Database Development
  • Hardware Development
  • Test Department

After approximately one month in the Academy, students who demonstrate potential and interest in continuing with TASKING Labs are invited to extend their involvement.


Thesis and Master's degrees

Students are encouraged to complete internships and work on their thesis or master’s degrees at TASKING Labs. We offer a list of potential thesis topics, and if none are suitable, we collaborate with their faculty mentor to develop a tailored project. Students who choose to complete their thesis with us receive a dedicated TASKING mentor who closely monitors their progress, provides guidance, and helps find solutions throughout the project.


Academy Statistics

Below you will find some statistics gathered from the beginning of the Academy in 2017:

  • Students enrolled and graduated at TASKING Academy: more than 75
  • Students employed Post-Academy: more than 20
  • Completed theses and master’s degrees: more than 15
  • Internships completed: more than 20
  • Mentors involved over the years: more than 10

These numbers highlight the success and impact of the TASKING Academy in fostering the next generation of engineers.


Development board MOUSE

Remember the MOUSE?

TASKING embedded development board for younger generations


MOUSE or MiŠKO (Slovenian: MIkrokrmilniški Študentski KOmplet) is a development board originally introduced by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Ljubljana, Slovenia, to bring embedded hardware and software closer to students. Students were not only learning the basics of the microcontroller architecture, assembler, and C programming, but they were also manufacturing the board including soldering it on its own.

The first MOUSE was created in 2011, and after 6 years, it was replaced by MOUSE V2, providing a big upgrade regarding peripherals.

When we look at MOUSE V3, it's a completely different story. Read more in our recent blog post Development board MOUSE for the younger generations of embedded engineers.



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